And no, I am not being narcissistic LOL.
Dotty, as always, remembers my birthday with such thoughtful gifts that I am sometimes quite embarrassed! Of course it makes me feel special and honoured. Each time, without fail, something arrives in the post.
Thanks Dotty – for always being there. I know how odd this must seem for both of us, that we’ve never met, not even once and yet we are the best of penpals in this digital, Facebook, Twitter age.
I love “The Book of ME…A Do-It-Yourself Memoir”. I promise to write down all those honest and crazy things about myself so that I can cackle over them when I am 80!
And of course, who can forget the quirky card with a cow looking cute and sleepy at the same time?
Dotty – you outdo yourself each year.
Thanks for everything, pal! And yes makan-makan we must!