It’s been way too busy for me these past 2 weeks.
First I was in Langkawi for 3 days and when I got back, I was whisked away by my 2 girlfriends for a girls’ only weekend getaway (it happened right here in Penang la, I didn’t go anywhere exotic but just had an overnight in Evergreen Laurel) and now that I am catching my breath a bit, I will be packing again to go off to Kuching for a week.
And when I get back after that, I will be going off for the gala dinner in KL (remember the MWW Awards thingy?)
It culminates in a posh dinner in The Westin and an audience with the Tengku Puan Pahang, Tunku Hajjah Azizah).Actually I met the Tunku about 2 years ago when she launched a fertility website we designed for a client but that’s another story for another rainy day.
A scheduled luncheon meet with Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen was also in order about two days after the gala dinner but I declined. I decided that I would really need a rest after such frenzy and though meeting Datuk Dr Ng would be a treat, I think too many things leave me too breathless.
My sis had sms-ed me that my face was in the MWW magazine this month but I had hardly any chance to pop into a bookstore to grab a copy (what with me going about Georgetown like a typical tourist).
Luckily my staff bought a copy and was raring to show it to me when I got into the office this afternoon. If you could, do SMS and vote for yours truly. I would be deeply grateful and honoured if I do win any of the awards on 15 August (when the gala dinner is scheduled and the winners announced). My 15 minutes’ claim to fame, so to speak!
I will be in Kuching for a bit of R&R but all my so-called R&R’s are often fun and productive for business too. This time, I will be meeting two friends of mine when I am in Cat City. We’re going for a reading at BING, one of the local cafes next Sunday.
Well, Robert will be doing a reading since he is the published author (his new book is out now so here is a shameless plug for a dear friend and client *smile*) but it seems he intends to drag me there so I can help him do a reading! Let’s see what happens.
I hope to blog more once I am in Kuching. Work in the office often leaves me with very little time to blog which is a delicious irony because most of my work revolves around writing! Such is the case for most people anyway. The paying work gets done first before anything else. Ouch.
Hope to write about a tonne of stuff I did over the past week and my girly-girl weekend which was slightly marred (imagine sitting between 2 arguing women and both are my good pals from uni!). Errgh!
Month: July 2008
Turning from Fish to Shark
I rarely get upset. I rarely lose my cool. I think life’s best enjoyed if one is optimistic and happy not glum and sullen.
But I got mad and I turned from friendly fish to grumpy shark two days ago.
Because of some people’s impertinence.
Most of you who know me know I am the last person to explode and short-circuit. So it had better be something truly freaking mad to get my knickers all knotted up.
Follow the Durian Trail
Only mad people or fanatical durian lovers would hop out of bed on a windless Sunday afternoon (yesterday, to be precise) to eat durians. We were either mad or mad over durians. It didn’t matter coz we had such goodies that I will brave the sun again, if only to taste these exquisite fruits!
This was the real Balik Pulau experience as we did drive all the way to the other side of Penang island. We almost missed the place as there was no signboard. Yes, that’s the signature style of Penang eateries sometimes. The good stuff don’t have signboards. You just follow your nose or secret trail.
Coffee, Curry Puffs & Robert
If you are a fan of Robert Raymer and his books, you’ll be pleased to know that Robert will be in KL on 26 July to launch his newly published book, Lovers & Strangers Revisited under MPH.
Robert used to be my creative writing teacher when I was in USM. He read one of my soppiest stories ever. That piece still makes me cringe if I re-read it.
And now he is our client. What a strange way fate brings people together.
We’ve now become firm friends and pop by to visit him and his family whenever we get to Kuching, Nic’s hometown.
Anyway, don’t fret if you can’t make it for Robert’s KL reading. He will be here in Penang, at the Penang Street Market on 31 August to sign books and read from his new book (pssst.. this is how his new book looks like).
Check out Eric Forbes’ blog for more info on Robert’s book launch and more. (Eric is a book editor by the way.)
One Bag A Time
It’s time we did something about those ugly pink plastic bags. The kind you get with everything you buy, from a loaf of Gardenia to Maggi mee.
Nic and I have stopped using plastic bags for some time now because it’s truly bad for the environment. You see, I think we aren’t idiots but sometimes people need to realize that plastic bags are firstly harmful to the environment before they get going. I have seen perfectly smart people doing dumb things when they don’t realize it.
So yes, a kick in the butt is in order. But a gentle kick because like all things Tao, there’s no pressure like gentle pressure.
I got this in my email today since I am an MNS member. Read on and spread the word!
And say no to plastic bags!
Join celebrities Harith Iskandar, Stephanie Chai, Joanna Bessey and many more at “The No Plastic Bag Concert”, an event to promote green living.
Date : 17 July 2008
Time : 7.00pm – 10.30pm
Venue : Ballroom, Eastin Hotel – light refreshments
Admission by donation : Minimum RM 50
There will be fashion shows, musical performances, green kiosks and an MNS booth.
Appearances and performances by Atilia, Chelsia Ng, Dennis Lau, Harith Iskandar, Ida Mariana, Janet Lee, Joanna Bassey, Miss Malaysia Universe 2008, Levi Li, Mia Palencia, Nell Ng, Peter Ong, Stephanie Chai, TP Lim, Tria, Sharizan Borhan, Xandria Ooi, Yang Wei Han, and many more!
This fundraising concert is jointly organised by Yayasan Nanyang Foundation & The Recyclists and supported by LiuLiGongFang.
Get your tickets at the MNS office or call MNS [ 03 – 2287 9422 ] for details.
This concert is part of Project Daily Million, a project to enlist 1 million people to make a daily pledge to reduce, reuse and recycle 1 plastic bag a day.
Are You A Daily Writer?
I write. I write in my journal, I write in my blog, I write in our business blog and I write, scribble, jot down stuff and ideas that get into my head when I am reading books. I’ve written all sorts of things – from letters to the editor, travel articles, commissioned pieces, to short angst-filled pieces, short stories (soppy and crappy though they may be) and assignments in my student days.
You would think that writing is easy as I’ve been writing for so long.
I can tell you, it isn’t easy. Writing takes a lot of time, even though friends think I can spew words out like a fire hydrant. You know this thing about the Muse? When the Muse isn’t there, the Muse isn’t there. I struggle for words, sometimes I struggle to think of a topic. I can stare at the screen and not a single idea swishes by.
MWW Photo Shoot in KL
As promised, some photos from my last trip to KL.
Click here to get my Flickr photos
Secret Society Food
The title intrigued, didn’t it?
We took our staff out for lunch 2 days ago to this place we were raving about since we got to know about it. A client took us there and it was so secretive, so weird that we had to bring our staff there, if only to marvel at what good marketing is about!