A Super Weekend

This weekend is pretty exciting because a number of events are happening.
There’s the Penang Jazz Festival at the Bayview Beach Resort which I have never attended but I hope to (let’s see if I can still get tickets!). I’ve been rather tardy – been meaning to get the tickets for the past 2 weeks but somehow with so much to do, it sort of slipped my mind.

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Recycle on Thursday

Ever since I got to know the affable Don and Mylene about 3 years ago, I’ve been an ardent recycler.
I’ve turned one room in my apartment into a store room of sorts to keep my piles of newspapers, glass bottles, tin cans, plastic containers and cardboard boxes – heck I even save egg shells! By the way, it’s believed that crushing egg shells and spreading it in corners will prevent geckos from coming into your house. I’ve yet to do that because unlike other people, I really don’t mind geckos. They help eat up mosquitoes. Of course once in a while I curse like hell because of the geckos’ droppings on window sills and such, but in general they’re rather well tolerated in my home.

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Kopi and Piko

I am starting this week by continuing on the theme of giving and sharing. This week, I believe I shall give u-jean and Michelle’s cause some publicity because they’re doing what they believe is best at this moment.

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Can You Chip In?

SnowmanIf you’ve been a reader of this blog for sometime, you would know that I’m one of the two founding members of WomenBizSENSE, a business ladies’ networking group in Penang.
You can find out more about our growing group of business ladies from our website at www.WomenBizSense.com
Anyway, we’re having our Christmas lunch early this December. We usually have it nice and early because Christmas/December is a very busy time for many of us in business. The holiday season and end of the year always makes businesses extra active and we’re all on ‘go’ most times.
This year, we’re combining our Christmas lunch with a meaningful event – we’re raising money for the Malaysian SLE Association. The idea came about during one lunch with Nancy, one of our members, who helps out with this association for lupus patients.

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Yellow Ribbon

I first got an email from Anne, dear old Anne who said we could all bunk in with her if we didn’t mind her parquet floor in PJ if we were arriving for the big do.
I would’ve gone, if I hadn’t had to go to Langkawi last Thursday.

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Six Degrees

Alison was in Penang over the weekend and we had agreed to meet, if only just for tea. She was in town for work.
You see, I have never met Alison before but I’ve been a regular reader of her blog over at Mettaville.
I’ve often enjoyed her blog; perhaps opposites attract. While I get longwinded and a bit too wordy at times, Alison keeps things succinct and to the point. Plus she always has a photo to accompany her thoughts. And I simply enjoy reading her daily affirmations. They’re bursting with positivity and exuberance which light up my day!

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