Womenpreneur Asia podcast – Launched!

Want to announce it here first on my own blog that I have today launched my Womenpreneur Asia podcast!

I am thrilled to bits that the idea that I presented in Hawaii last year has finally become as real as it can be. There is no turning back.

Yes, it was challenging because I had no technical idea how to get it done although I do work with tech a lot.

Audio tech stuff isn’t exactly my kind of thing. Until I decided I wanted to start the podcast.

Even then it was still a nebulous idea.

But the pandemic lockdown pushed me to really do something. I had come back from Hawaii in August 2019 and started on my research of microphones, podcast hosting, how to write a script, how to interview and more. And I didn’t know how to put it all together although I had a vague idea that it must start somewhere.

So that somewhere came at me when I subscribed to Streamyard in March this year when I was about to start my FB Live series. Streamyard enabled me to get a guest into the “studio” and record our conversation easily.

While I was scheduling and planning my FB Live, I was simultaneously scheduling guests for my podcast.

And my learning curve was steep.

And I didn’t have the USB microphone I wanted either so I made do with my Apple ear buds. Yep. You read right. I proudly did it with my Apple ear buds.

So have a listen. Be kind. It’s my first time doing this. (Oh and I launched it today because it is also my wedding anniversary. Been married for 18 years!)

Head on over to womenpreneurasia.com