Am I Still In The Youth Category?

I wonder what is considered youth in this country. Is it a person aged 35 and below? Or 40 and below?
I stumbled on this via Twitter and thought, hey, sounds like a super cool event. Unfortunately, the contest didn’t state what youth was.
The exciting thing was – all these lovely, famous folks were coming to Putrajaya this 16 November. There’s Sir Bob Geldof, Lorraine Hahn, Biz Stone (smack yourself if you don’t know who this is), Garry Kasparov and many more top personalities of the world.
I guess we all need to act like groupies once in a while.
It’s exciting to bask in the same venue and be so close as to be able to touch these people.
They’re alive and here and in the flesh.
It doesn’t matter if you’re 17 or 70, if you come face-to-face with your idol, you go all queasy and weak and feel like a stupid, gawking teen all over again.
Anyway, if you’re living in KL, this is the best contest for you. After all, if you win, you get to rub shoulders and elbows and do the camwhoring with these people.
Deadline’s tomorrow.
All you need to do is to tell THEM (the AirAsia people), if you could change one thing in your lifetime, what would it be, and who will it be for? Yourself, your community, or your country? And how will you contribute to it?
I know. Sounds like some cheesy topic you get in your sekolah menengah essay-writing classes.
But, cheesiness aside, you might come away with some magic dust that inspires you to greater dreams in life.
I know for a fact that people need inspiration and inspiration in the form of your fave idol/popstar/Nobel laureate winner/web2.0 guru/media star can kick you out of your humdrum life.
Go impress them!

Bold, Big-Hearted and Bald

Update 11 Nov ’09: Nancy updated us that Penang Adventist Hospital has reached RM100k for Go Bald For Charity event.
I’m so long lost from my blog it’s ridiculous, even by my standards.
Add to that, I’ve gotten the sniffles! The weather in Penang has been rather erratic – warm like a bad oven with heat that reflects and scorches the skin in the day and then rain like pelting rocks at night. Which brings out the bad mozzies and of course, a bad case of the flu when I least need it!
Well, business has taken me away from my blogging. I suppose there’s nothing like the last 2 months of the year to get people into the mode for getting their websites done or we’ve been extremely lucky in the past year. We’ve been inundated with orders, partnership opps and then some. Wow. (Actually we’ve been very fortunate over our abundance. That is something so gratifying. Gratifying that so many fans and friends and clients have been helping us to promote us!)
Can I get some peace and quiet now to plan out next year?
I suppose not.
Well, anyway… I need to announce this before it gets to be old news.
Remember I blogged about my brave friend, Nancy, who was shaving off her hair for the Dr Earl J. Gardner Fund (Penang Adventist Hospital)?
The 1 November Adventist Makan Shiok Shiok Carnival is well and truly over. In between my packing and stuff, I had to go cheer Nancy on.
But I got another huge SURPRISE!
I knew Josephine’s husband, Andy, was working at Adventist and she did ask if I were going to be there. Josephine is one of those gal pals who makes me smile. She’s one outrageously funny hot mama. And her five year old son, Chris, is one pinchable cutie pie.
When I ended up at the Jalan DS Ramanathan field (behind Adventist Hospital) two Sundays ago, Josephine told me SHE was going bald for charity too! And not only her but her cutie pie son and her husband too (he had hardly any hair to begin with).
And that, said Josephine, was HER surprise for me!
So there you go, a family who bravely went under the electric shavers for charity.
See their cute photos in this Sun article (yes, they were swarmed by reporters! This was such a good story that they’d be blind not to write about it!).
The short ‘interview’ on stage between Chris and his dad, Andy, was a wonderfully engaging touch! In fact, Chris inspired 2 other children to go bald too.
But Josephine is going one step further with her mission.
While this story is still “hot” like pisang goreng (to borrow a phrase from good friend Tze), Josephine offers her family’s services to help promote/endorse/advertise ANY product for free, in exchange for a Tax-Exempted donation for this “Go bald for Charity 2009”.
If you are interested, all you need to do is email Nancy Ong {} and she will put you in touch with Josephine and her family.
Also I’d like to take my hat off to Nancy who checked herself out of the hospital to get her head shaved. She was admitted to the ICU the night before due to some serious rashes. As she told me herself, her doctor wasn’t too happy that she went ahead with her head-shaving on 1 November.
But I understand Nancy. How could she NOT do this when she got so much support from everyone else, especially from the top management of the Adventist Hospital who also got their heads shaved? It’s about talking the talk and walking the talk.
Anyway, below is Josephine’s message to everyone who wants to help out.
Dear Friends,
Our family shaved our heads today at Penang Adventist Hospital’s Charity Event – “Go Bald for Charity 2009”.
We hope to raise as much funds as possible for needy patients in aid of Dr. J. Earl Gardner’s Fund.
We were heartened to see two other young children shaving their heads to support this cause. They requested a on-the-spot shave after witnessing Christopher’s “demo” on the stage.
The largest amount raised by a single person in the shaving team was Mr. KC Low from Dell at a cool RM22,000. Kudos to him!!!
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards,
Jo Teh
Yes, the event may be over but you can still donate to the hospital. Please make cheques payable to:
Adventist Hospital & Clinic Services (M)
and send them to:
Nancy Ong Ai Hua
Development Manager
Penang Adventist Hospital
465 Jalan Burma
10350 Penang, Malaysia

To donate by other means, please contact Nancy at Tel: (+60 4) 222 7603 or E-mail:
Maya’s note: My personal thanks to fellow blogger friends who helped promote this event, especially Chen Chow!