Absent in the Spring

I just finished reading Agatha Christie’s novel, Absent in the Spring today. Which is rather surprising because I just borrowed the book from the Seberang Perai library yesterday evening!

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If This Isn't Viral, I Don't Know What Is…

I got this from a good pal (who is also a fantastic marketing expert) in the Philippines just today. I subscribe to her blog using Feedblitz and I got her blog post which talked about David Poarch.
David is Fil-Am (that means kacukan lah, American and Filipino) but what’s so fantastic about this David? (Besides the fact that he’s terribly cute. With those looks, he could probably melt a couple of thousand hearts along the way…if he’s not gay.)

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What You'll Get in Banting

When I got my Flavours magazine early this month, I was thrilled to read that Banting was one of those towns featured in their foodie booklet. When I scoured the booklet, I read that Banting is a one-street town and the only worthwhile food there is the Beggar’s Chicken at Jugra (which you need to order in advance).
OK, this would rile me and Hoyoyi. While I am not fond of Banting immensely, I did grow up in that “one-street town” and like all impatient girls, I did spend a good part of those times thinking, “There must be more to life than this provincial town”.

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The Odd Couple…You Know Any?

Do you know any odd coupling? No, not that sort. Not humans, not that weirdo boyfriend of your best pal whom you detest. Not that sort of odd couple.
I mean, food couple.
Odd food couples are foods which don’t usually go together but which we pair them up together and eat them with each other.

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Stinking Satsuma

I had been hankering to buy The Body Shop’s Satsuma Perfume Oil since I tested it last Saturday at Queensbay.
As I was in Gurney Plaza yesterday, I thought I could just drop by and buy the perfume oil which was selling at half price (The Body Shop is having a sale until 10 June).
The Satsuma Perfume Oil smelled great – I am after all partial to anything citrusy! I love bergamot, lemons, limes, as long as they’re refreshingly citrusy, I’ll buy them. Of course Nic thinks I am nuts to buy everything that smells like lemon.

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Ronggeng Merdeka

Here’s a quick heads up for a dear friend….
Remember last year I blogged about Heritage Heboh? Fortunately, I managed to catch the sneak preview of that. I did not manage to attend the real thing as I had a terrible flu due to too much fun in the sun in Langkawi.
This year, the same bunch of Malaysians (young and old alike) are coming back, bigger and stronger with a showcase called Ronggeng Merdeka. Yes, 50 years of independence, remember?
This time around too there are more venues where you can catch the highly creative children/tweens in action.

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