I’m continuing a little bit about food in Langkawi today. I’m not a flogger – that’s what food bloggers are called these days. I’m far too eclectic to limit myself to blog musings on food.
I heard of T-Jays from many sources. One was The Star’s Flavours magazine. They’d reviewed T-Jays many years ago. The second source was James who had raved about these pizzas. And it’s a huge compliment because James is British and he’s always asking me, “Why are you Malaysians always going on and on about food?” For him, food is just sustenance. No point going blardy mad over.
On our last trip to Langkawi, we wanted to try out something totally new so we chose T-Jays. Nic’s a big pizza and spaghetti fan so it fit him to a T.
T-Jays’ is opposite the Langkawi Underwater World which up till now, I’ve not been inside at all. Every local person tells me there’s nothing much to see there – it’s just for tourists.
Anyway, we ordered a 12-inch pizza (RM27) and the spaghetti with spiced beef (RM30). I felt the drinks were a tad on the pricey side considering this is Langkawi where beers and what-not were dirt cheap. RM 5 for lime juice? Come on! (And this is not Perdana Quay. This is a cafe by the road in Pantai Cenang. Pantai Cenang is like Chulia Street, Penang.)
“The food better be good.” The same thought ran through our minds when we ordered.
Luckily the food lived up to its “best pizza place in Malaysia” tagline (on its signboard). The pizza was crispy, a bit burnt on the edges and full of great tasting ingredients like pepperoni, olives, tomato and cheese. I believe it was called the Quatro Pizza. Each of us had about 4 huge slices.
The spiced beef spaghetti was pretty damn good too. Imagine spaghetti bolognaise that’s rich in a gooey thick tomato sauce and mixed with cream and kick-ass chili padi. You get a rich tomatoey, creamy spaghetti (that was perfectly al-dente) with lots of mouthsearing chilies. Lots of minced beef. Lots of chili oil and chilies. I could’ve licked the platter clean. It was THAT good!
We were totally satisfied with the portion of spaghetti. It reminded me of the spaghetti I had with CC at Italiannies at The Curve not too long ago. I much prefered T-Jay’s to Italiannies, to be honest.
Now if only they lowered their drink prices!
More Langkawi food posts:
1.How to savour Langkawi
2.Going Dutch in Langkawi
3.Nasi campur and other local Langkawi eats
4.Breakfast at Tun Mahathir’s Favourite Cafe
5. Stylish dinners at Pantai Tengah, Langkawi
Month: June 2009
My Achy Breaky Thighs
I have achy, breaky thighs today.
Reason? I walked from Cititel Hotel on Penang Road to Midlands One-stop in Pulau Tikus yesterday! All 6km and more. (Penang roads are really NOT meant for pedestrians… so freaking dangerous!)
And all for a treasure hunt.
The walking type. (And I forgot my camera! Hence, no photos! What a pity huh!)
The type where I had to think and walk, which taxed both my leg muscles and my brain muscles. The only consolation I got was the sun was not merciless – I didn’t know if I was happier for the haze that shrouded Penang or not. I sure sweated a lot during the 3-hour walk-a-hunt organised by Bio-Life.
The last walking hunt I did with Cecilia was in Gurney Plaza so that wasn’t too bad. At least we had air conditioning inside the mall.
This Bio-Life hunt was terribly tiring because of the walking! I mean, I do walk quite a bit on a weekly basis – I try to make it 3x a week of brisk walking around Tasik Aman in USM so it’s not so bad. Still, I don’t walk for 3 hours straight so it was crazy!
Cecilia said she had never seen me so red and sweaty. Neither have I!
The humid Sunday aggravated me too. We didn’t win because we got penalised 27 points for being late for 27 minutes!
Was I disappointed? Not really. I learn from this failure, if it could be called one.
I’m a leisurely treasure hunter. I don’t take it too seriously. Of course I am committed to finding answers when I am hunting. But if I win, I look at what helped us win. If I lose, I try to dissect it too and remember not to do the same things in future hunts. Each hunt teaches me a little bit more about myself.
Actually a treasure hunt is a game of strategy. It’s not a race and sometimes the questions don’t make sense and at worst, some answers are arbitrary.
Hunters often scrutinise the hunt organisers because there’s a pattern hidden somewhere. Hunt organisers do repeat themselves inadvertently – even if they are not conscious of it. So “doing” or “studying” past hunt questions helps reveal the mind of the hunt organiser. And most hunt organisers (or COC) have a pattern in their questions, whether they know it or not.
I don’t know if I am a newbie or not but I’ve done a few hunts up till now and since I’m not nuts about it, I can take a step back and laugh at myself and my little foibles. I can analyze how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ I was in each hunt.
Here’s what I found out:
1. A strategy helps.
Like any NFL match, a quick team huddle is needed before shooting off like headless chickens. It’s like sitting for an exam. You get the exam paper, you read all the instructions first before you start answering the questions. Just because other teams are running off does not mean we need to.
2. Splitting up helps too.
If we have 4 people to a team, splitting up into 2 teams of 2 each with each ‘mini team’ working on different questions makes a lot of sense. No point having 4 people’s brain juices working on the same few questions right?
3. Managing time is everything.
In a hunt, we’re racing against time. Answering 30 questions, buying ‘treasures’, etc. in 3 hours or less is the objective. Without getting penalised or disqualified, that is. All the effort will be wasted if we get marks deducted by submitting answer sheets late. Or taking 2 hours for the first 15 questions and leaving the last 15 questions for 1 hour or less.
4. Go with your gut.
I’ve always relied on my intuition each time I’m stumped for an answer. I know that’s not very scientific but it works for me most times. It’s better than trying to be proper and logical about it. (Actually most hunt questions aren’t very logical either. You can justify just about every which way anyway!). So why not?
5. Don’t over-analyze
As adults, we tend to over-analyze answers especially when we get them at first glance. That’s too easy and direct, our little voice tells us. But the over-analyzing does make matters worse. That is why hunting with newbies or people without ‘hunt preconceptions’ are refreshing. They’re innocent babes. Their answers are pure and straight. They don’t try to outsmart the organisers. They don’t try to ‘read’ the organisers and wonder if the organisers are trying to be extra conniving/extra sneaky/extra naughty.
Finally, I check myself that it’s a game. I take part because I love practising my observation skills, I like anagrams, I like solving puzzles that are not related to real-life. I know I can make mistakes in hunts and still live to talk about it. I can sharpen my keenness of sight and know I shall never be able to look at words without anagramming them.
Above all, I like teaming up with different people and ‘reading’ them. Call it my dose of sly psychology!
By the way, if you’re the armchair sort of treasure hunter, try out WebMazers which organises online hunts. Same taxing questions but in an online format for lazy bums to try. Did I mention cool prizes are in store for each hunt?
More hunt adventures:
A-hunting we will go!
My first hunt experience!
How to Savour Langkawi
Got back about a week ago from a truly relaxing trip to Langkawi. Most times, we go and meet a whole bunch of clients. Good for them but terribly frenetic for us. Friends do not believe us when we say we are really working when we go to Langkawi.
This time though, we decided to reclaim some semblance of a holiday for ourselves.
It was time for a real break.
This time, we didn’t want to stuff too many clients into our 3-day trip. In fact, we didn’t meet any except Kak Su whom we lunched with at Wan Thai on Sunday, hours before we left Langkawi. (Even meeting Kak Su wasn’t such a planned event. We’d gone for a quick breakfast at her Cafe Molek but her staff, Sal, said she wasn’t around. As we were leaving, we saw Kak Su driving by in her dark blue Volvo.)
Kak Su is more of a friend than a client though we did start off with a business relationship. She is the owner of Villa Molek, a boutique villa resort on Pantai Tengah, Langkawi. It’s tastefully done up, hidden yet accessible. We had great fun designing her website because she had a great ‘product’ and good selling points too. Plus she gave us full control, trusting us to deliver not only a visually pleasing website but one that generates good results too. But that is another blog post for the other blog.
So what did we do?
We took our time to savour Langkawi.
The food of this island is exceptional especially if you know where to look.
Our clear favourites are Sun Sutra (for a romantic western-style dinner with excellent wines), Sunday (for Chinese stir-fry dishes in a Thai-influenced ambience) and The Loaf (for a totally awesome breakfast experience by the marina where the yachts berth).
Some people exclaim that The Loaf is expensive. Well, it is of course but don’t discount the view. The view, the quality ingredients, the slow breakfast, the good cutlery. Don’t these count for something too? Otherwise, a cheap nasi lemak bungkus breakfast at some rundown warung down by Pantai Cenang is available too.
Remember I mentioned Wan Thai? It’s a halal Thai restaurant in the heart of Kuah town, popular with locals and foreigners. The lady boss (who is Thai by the way) is soft-spoken, gentle, unassuming and ever-smiling. Oh and she is so beautiful with porcelain skin! (How do Thai women get so pretty? They eat so much of chilies yet their skin’s super smooth like taufufah!).
Wan Thai is a MUST visit place, especially before we board the ferry back to Kuala Kedah (we often drive from Penang to Kuala Kedah and board the ferry from there instead of doing the 3-hour Penang-Langkawi ferry ride). I love to order their “hor muk” or seafood otak-otak served in a young coconut. This way, you get the otak-otak AND you get to scrape the young coconut flesh after!
Another new place we now visit for breakfast is Kak Su’s Cafe Molek, adjacent to her Villa Molek. It serves good food at reasonable prices plus there’s wifi connection! (Heaven sent for IT people like me and Nic).
Considering that there are dirty, slum-like places serving similar continental breakfasts along Pantai Cenang/Pantai Tengah and charging the same prices, Cafe Molek gets my vote any time because it’s cleaner, it has proper tables and chairs, it’s airy and quiet and the food’s good too.
This time, we also dined at a firm favourite of our friend James. James loves Orkid Ria, a seafood restaurant on Pantai Cenang. Orkid Ria is a really happening place for dinner. It is always packed with people. The atmosphere is a bit like a cleaner, modern Chinese kopitiam though noise levels can reach deafening volumes.
The food’s good too especially if you love rice with seafood dishes like deep-fried soft shell crabs, baked lobster, steamed tiger prawns etc. According to Uncle Loh, the seafood that you see displayed each night are freshly caught and delivered just before the restaurant opens for dinner. Prices are reasonable so it’s really not difficult to understand why Uncle Loh (the owner) gets so many customers each night, high season or not!
Will It Be Bye Bye Too?
I’ve been blogging for a long time now. I started in 2002. I feel rather ancient now that it is 2009.
7 years.
And I am surprised I am still blogging. I thought I would have run out of things to say, write, have an opinion about. But it shows that I have a lot to say!
A friend pulled the plug on one of her blogs recently.
I’m not surprised really.
As I emailed her, I said I understood perfectly the idea of ‘killing’ one’s blog. It’s not that we run out of things to write about.
It’s something deeper and far more strange.
When I started to blog, it was just my online journal. It was therapy without paying for a shrink. I could unload all my thoughts and feel better immediately. I could get on with life once my issues were on the blog. I could rant and rave and get pissed and peeved and shout in blogosphere where no one could hear me.
Or so I thought.
The thing with blogging is, at some point, one starts attracting readers/visitors/strangers/people who google something and find your posts.
They read, like what they read, and bookmark your blog and come back again. They leave comments, become your friends. They email you and they start having a relationship with you – this connection is a friendship. If they come to Penang, we make a date to meet and we hit it off once we’ve chatted over lunch or dinner. They add my blog to their blogroll. We are now blog pals.
And soon, they become fans. Huge ones. They visit your blog daily. They keep count on the times you’ve forgotten to write! They remember where you ate at, what you did on your holiday, who you bitched about.
That’s when the pressure sets in. The pressure to keep blogging even though sometimes all you want to do is switch it off and get on with your regular life. (Of course, if one does it for the money, that’s a completely different story. But as you know, my blog has none of those.)
So I get it completely when Lydia says she is focusing on one blog and leaving the other. It’s far easier this way.
At times I wonder if I would say goodbye on this blog too. Maybe one day I would. Once I have nothing to say, nothing to blog about, then I would really consider taking Mayakirana off the world wide web.
Do you have a blog? Have you ever considered NOT blogging in the future? Or ending the blog in some strange way? Enlighten me! 😉
Shiatsu for Dad
I’ve been planning to visit St Nicholas Home for a while now since I met Joyce who works there. I would probably do it next week when I get back from Langkawi.
Anyway, in case you did not know, the St Nicholas Home for the Blind (or to be politically correct, the Visually Impaired) has some service offerings in the form of massages and reflexology sessions. The masseurs are visually impaired.
For this Father’s Day, Joyce told me there’s an ongoing promotion for June where their foot reflexology sessions are going for an absolute steal. (RM28 for 1 hour, complete with a foot bath. Normally you pay RM38).
Foot reflexology might not be everyone’s favourite so you can take your dad for some shiatsu body massage (acupressure massage) at a mere RM30 for 1 full hour of relaxation. According to Joyce, the regular price is RM50.
The key is – honour your father as well as take this chance to help the visually impaired earn their living. I think that’s most commendable!
The promotion lasts till 30 June so contact Joyce at the below number to book a session for you and your father!
SNH Wellness Centre
18, Mano Close, 10250 Penang, Malaysia
Tel: 604-229 0800 ext 118
H/P : 016 4817 960 Ms Goh
Business Hours: Tue – Sun from 11am – 7pm
Close on Mondays
The DNA of Durian Pleasures
I’m a durian fan. A huge one. I could not pass up the chance when Nigel invited Nic and me to a true Balik Pulau durian experience. There’s nothing like the king of fruits to bring strangers together.
The Sunday morning drive was pleasant – we took the road to Gertak Sanggul tailing Nigel’s Corolla while anticipating luscious, bitter durian. Would we get our hands on premium stuff?
Halfway, we stopped to wait for 3 other cars – this was going to be a group affair. The durian orchard owner, Pao Lun, rode his Honda though. Later we’d know why.
Much weaving about the hilly areas later, we turned off onto a steep road going up uphill. We parked our cars, got on with the introductions and hiked some more. Now you know why Pao Lun was on his trusty Honda bike. He could just ride up to the top of the hill.
I didn’t exactly pant while climbing the hill but it was strenuous on my calves and thighs. This was truly working up an appetite.
Finally we reached the house on the top of the hill. The view was spectacular. I could see a promontory; this very promontory saved the lives of those living on this side of the shore during the 2004 tsunami which hit parts of southern Penang island.
All around us were durian trees, rambutan trees and papaya trees. Netting was strung across the trees for 2 reasons – to collect the falling durians and to protect people from getting concussions while walking underneath these tall trees. (Durians were falling with dull thuds on the ground when we were there so yes, they do fall and they don’t care who they hit. They’re durians, remember? Thorny and heavy.)
But the moment Pao Lun started opening his stash of durians, everyone went into a revered silence, watching his methodical movements.
It was ecstatic just looking at him opening durians, and showing us the creamy yellow flesh; some were pale yellow, others were rich sunshine yellow. Some looked moist, others dry.
Each one had its own name, its own DNA of taste. Bitter yet aromatic, soft with a delicate aftertaste. Or creamy sweet, sweet lingering till the end. Or wonderfully intense aroma heightened by thick custard-like flesh with small seeds.
Not that I recognised their names. But each durian Pao Lun presented us was like heaven in a seed of flesh. From the youngest to the oldest, we were all quiet as we licked our fingers clean, looking forward to the next durian taste.
Soon the basket of durian shells were filling up. After gorging for almost 30 minutes, we were all truly sated, our breathing a tad laboured as we struggled to say no to yet another bounty.
I picked up an empty durian shell section and went in search of a tap to rinse my mouth and wash my hands. The tap brought forth fresh spring water (or so someone said) and I drank our Malaysian-Balik Pulau Evian water. It tasted OK.
Drinking water from the durian shell, according to local folklore, prevents heatiness after eating durian. Drinking water with a pinch of salt is also good as a prevention technique. Washing one’s hands underneath the running tap (the water must run off the durian shell first) also gets rid of the durian smell from one’s fingers. Believe it or not, it works.
This is perhaps my first of many durian outings – I am so glad I live in Penang. It’s the durian season and you can find durians on every street corner but nothing is as hedonistic as enjoying durians on top of a hill in Balik Pulau while drinking in a view of the southern tip of the island.
Thanks to Nigel and Fee for this great introduction to Pao Lun’s durian orchard! Fee promises more durians to come. Yum!
More great photos over here.
UPDATE: Here is Pao Lun’s mobile number in case you want to call him and make a date to visit the farm and have some durians – 016 436 4640
Korea Town in Penang
I thought the Korean craze had already died down but I was wrong. (Cue: Winter Sonata, LG, Samsung….)
A lot of people watch Korean dramas on TV and like K-pop (ummmm, I was introduced to the cute, preppy Wondergirls girl group by my cousin one day). And Korean food is set to soar too.
That’s how we ended up at Daorae, a Korean BBQ restaurant last Saturday night. You cannot miss the signboard – it winks, ok, blinks at you when you are at the Krystal Point roundabout (actually the restaurant is located along Ideal Avenue, near Bukit Jambul).
I don’t mind Korean food though my first love is Japanese/sashimi. I love the way they’ve marketed themselves so successfully over the years. A great blue ocean strategy. Whoever is behind this Korean craze deserves accolades. Everyone wants to travel to Korea now.
I particularly like kimchi and I always have a box of this spicy condiment in my fridge for those moments when I crave something other than Vietnamese chili padi.
The four of us ordered 2 dishes (3 slabs of pork belly and thinly sliced beef – a minimum of 2 dishes are a must if you want to try the Korean BBQ) and a kimchi noodle steamboat set. The waiters were all authentically Korean, yelling “ann yeong haseyo” each time someone walks through the door and saying “kamsahamnida” when you leave.
As with all Korean food, you get a multitude of side dishes of vegetables in fantastic colours. A thin pancake made of scallions and an egg custard (reminiscent of Japanese chawan mushi) were provided to us, on the house.
We started with tasty kimchi broth each and then the BBQ started. The waiter loaded the ‘hole’ in the table with a pot of charcoal briquets before putting a stainless steel top on it where he expertly barbecued the beef and pork for us. A small steel cup of thickly sliced garlic was also put into the BBQ.
The fun part was eating the BBQ meats. The correct way is take a fresh lettuce leaf, dip the BBQ meat into a salt-pepper-oil condiment, take a slice of the garlic, dip garlic into another red condiment resembling sambal belacan but tastes more like cincaluk, put garlic on the meat, wrap up the whole thing and pop into your mouth. Very satisfying and a fantastic way of eating greens with meat. Also a vampire’s nightmare because the garlic smells like well…garlic!
Korean food really is quite healthy with so many varieties of vegetables as sides (the waiters will refill your side dishes once you’ve finished them).
The kimchi noodle steamboat was nothing spectacular – just imagine eating instant kimchi noodles in a soup full of mushroom, meat and kimchi.
Daorae serves a free flow of genmai-cha (a kind of rice-roasted tea – sorry but I only know my Japanese teas) besides the refillable side dishes. Apparently it has about 6 outlets in the Klang Valley. The charges are for the mains that you order. In our case, it was the 2 meat dishes and the steamboat. The tea and sides were not charged.
The robust and loud Korean waiters were rather comical as they aren’t very good in English and they’ll tell you cucumber is pumpkin and konjac (of which konnyaku jelly is made from) is squid when you request for more side dishes.
It must be feng shui or the food’s really captivating because when we left at 8.30pm, a queue had formed and were waiting for their seats!
Or maybe it is Sparkling Korea like their tourism posters proclaim!
June is for Me, Me & Me
I have been strangely missing from this blog yeah?
It’s odd sometimes. As a writer, I write for everyone and everyone in my lingo means paying clients as part of the whole website design package. After all, that’s what I’m good at.
But it does not mean that I’m not tired sometimes.
And when I get tired, my poor blog gets neglected.
Oh and besides writing of course, there’s a bunch of stuff. Like my recent jaunts to KL for seminars. It seems May was the month for self development.
I met Robin Sharma and thought, what good luck! I was like some nervous school girl. Some might say that what Robin teaches is already available out there.
I think we all miss the point.
The point is, he’s a reminder. He reminds us to be leaders. He reminds us what we need to do. Some teachers don’t need to teach us new tricks – they remind us of what we know but have not truly practised.
Then a good friend rings up the week after I get home and asks if I am keen on listening to Robert Kiyosaki and his team of advisors in a 3-day special in KL.
How could I say no when the deal was so good?
So you see, no wonder I’m bloody missing.
But I am feeling pretty good about myself these days, perhaps in a way attributed to the seminars. One cannot help but be buoyed by good vibes when you’re learning with eager, supportive friends.
No, actually I am feeling good because this is June and we’ve decided to dedicate the whole of this month to ourselves. We’re not taking any new clients this month (we’re overloaded as it is), we’re trying to finish up whatever we need to do as we want to really focus on US.
US as in the company, our vision for the future, the clients we want, the clients we don’t want (yes, there are people we’d rather cull from our list of clients), what we do and what we are not doing. Also the kind of people we want to partner with.
You see, lots of people come to us wanting to JV with us.
Some have really good ideas while others are just plain awful. In the past, we’ve entertained them all.
Because we are so damn kind.
Yes, kindness is not always beneficial especially when it eats up my time. And I keep saying, time is the most precious asset for me. I’d rather Skype than meet people who do nothing but waste my time. Sorry but as I grow older I know I cannot please everyone so I might as well please me.
Coming back to the partners, yes, everyone wants to partner. But not everyone can be a good partner.
A good partner is one who comes with excellent if not super excellent qualities. It has to be a fair exchange of skills and experience, not one partner leeching off another. Robert Kiyosaki stressed this factor as one of the 3 important factors of running a successful business. Many people just want a free ride and free lunch if you let them!
When I went for the Robert Kiyosaki seminar, I also observed that there are 2 types of people – the absolute cynics and the absolute fans. One type was skeptical of everything and resented the speakers’ viewpoints and always had a “I know that” retort ready.
The fan type was always cheering and pumped up as if they were on steroids or on a perpetual sugar high.
I’m new to this seminar stuff so I was keeping my mind open and listening not only to the content but also how the content was delivered.
I saw some very good sales techniques used by the speakers which resulted in a woman bugging me to sign up for a seminar (yes, cross-selling and up-selling seminars after a presentation or talk was considered normal) because if 2 people signed up, there was a rebate of RM100.
If she signed up on her own, she’d miss that discount. I refuse to be bugged. I wasn’t even sure I’d be free on that particular date in July and I wasn’t going to hang about KL all the time! Damn. And I didn’t even know her! But I did know that she was like a buzzing bee, never letting me go. In the end, I walked away and she gaped like a goldfish!
I don’t mind the selling techniques employed – it’s just the way some presenters did it that made it me feel rather cornered. Robert did it in a classy way. No hard selling. He was the savvy educator, driving home the fact that we all need to learn to be financially savvy. He did talk about his books and his Cashflow board game but that was it. No 10-minute countdown nor frenzied buying. (You must check out his new book/site called Conspiracy of the Rich.)
Robert and his team spoke for the first 2 days and left after that. The final day (the 3rd day) was pure and direct hard sell. I didn’t mind Gregory Secker, the guy who came on to talk about forex trading. He was candid.
But what bugged me was this Internet marketer (whom I shall not name at all) who taught 7,000 seminar attendees how to copy and paste from Ebay into a blog. Apparently, he’s had tea with the Queen of England, he knows Paula Abdul and he’s rich beyond his dreams. Does that change the fact that he showed us all how to cheat, live online?
Some people might not be offended by the live ‘cheating’ demo but I was! While making money was the topic of the day, there are legal and ethical means of doing it. Why would anyone stoop so low to copy stuff from eBay or Amazon and paste them into a blog?
If making money was so important, I could name a few other easier options in life – sell pirated dvds, open a brothel, do drugs then. Whatever. After all, it seems like the end justifies the means.
That truly spoiled the event which I had enjoyed 2 days before when the Rich Dad team came to speak. There’s classy selling and then there’s this.
So yeah, I still get mad when I think of the live demo. But meeting Robert Kiyosaki made the trip and seminar great. The rest of the speakers on the last day were not bad at all except that one speaker who irked me.
I even enjoyed Ewen Chia’s presentation which was honest and direct in his own way, though drawn out it was. I was getting tired and grouchy as his was the last presentation of the 3rd day and it was getting late (we ended up getting out at past 9pm!).
T. Harv Eker will be speaking at the same venue, Mines International Exhibition Convention Centre (MIECC) Seri Kembangan this 12 to 14 June. He’s another dynamo on stage. I loved his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. He completely changes the way you view money and re-wires your money DNA. Go get his book if you can’t attend the seminar. Worth every ringgit!
Oh ya, Selamat Hari Gawai! Marrying a Sarawakian Chinese means I get to know what’s happening over in the Land of the Hornbills. This whole week will be a major holiday in Sarawak as almost everyone shuts down their business to celebrate the harvest festival merrily with lots of potent home-brewed moonshine called tuak.
Gayu guru gerai nyamai everyone!