Anne, This is for You

I’ve been missing from this blog for sometime, well, in the blog world – sometime is a long time! As usual, the web business takes me away from blogging quite a bit these days, what with proposals, meeting clients and rushing projects (I need to finish these up before Nic and I fly off to Kuching for our annual Chinese New Year break). I always despise this pre-CNY rush, rush, rush mode. Everyone seems to be in a mad rush or another.
And of course, dear old Margaret has gone off for her jaunts again. Like UnkaLeong says, cats have this annoying habit (well, annoying to their owners mostly) of zipping off for a few days. The first time it happened, Nic and I were worried sick. We thought someone catnapped her. Turns out that Margaret decided to take some fresh air somewhere. Yes, she’s gone missing again. I’m not so worried now. I learnt my lesson, UnkaLeong!

But this is also a belated thank you post to a dear friend, Anneliza for her lovely Christmas gift. Anne, if you are reading this, a million thanks from the heart. You are so thoughtful! Anne got me a gift from another friend of mine, Ai Lee, who by the way, sells absolutely one-of-a-kind bags from home.

Ai Lee is a stay-at-home mommy of a two-year-old boy and she took up selling these bags because she herself enjoyed them. (She’s also a KLite who got transported to Penang because of her husband’s work). Yes, marry your business and passion – always a good thing to start. At the moment, Ai Lee sells to close friends in Penang and KL. You can see more of her offerings at (You can order and pick up the bags from her – they’re lovely as last-minute gifts because no woman can say no to a cheery bag!)
I got two bags from her collection – the bigger one is from Anneliza while the small, cute one is from Ai Lee herself (since I visited her and drooled over her bags… it’s great for those days when you just need to carry some change and lipstick!).

So heaps of grateful thanks dear Anne and yes, to you too, Ai Lee!

6 thoughts on “Anne, This is for You”

  1. Cats. Don’t you absolutely adore them? They only come when they are hungry. Sleep all day. But when they have your attention, their the cutest little buggers eva!Has Margaret come back yet?

  2. Hi Erina, Hiya Krista, thanks heaps for promoting the bags. 🙂
    I understand some of the older internet browsers do not support the slideshow provided by yahoo. Maybe you could try another browser, erina. In the meantime, email me if you like me to send the pics of bags to you. I’ll make sure they are not big size files. 🙂 The designer of this bags is away for awhile, so i do have some designs to clear. Will email you those too!
    love life,

  3. Hi Vern: Danke for the award!
    UnkaLeong: Yes, Margaret has come home. When she gets home, she starts this long tirade about her journeys I guess and mews to us as if she’s recalling her adventures. We call her Auntie Margaret now because she is so ‘cheong hei’! We leave the kitchen door open so when the fat cat gets bored of following us around the apartment, she’ll go out for some fresh air. Which is good for us and for her. 😉 I think she needs exercise coz my friends who see her says she REALLY is fat! On another note, a friend of mine just lost her 4 month old kitten on the way to see the vet. The kitten jumped out of the car as they reached the vet and now my friend is truly distraught. Any tips to find her kitten? She says her kitten is really timid and hides if there’s a big sound.
    Erina: You have to click on the photo album on the right of the page.
    Ai Lee: Good things must be shared, according to my wise old lady friend Vern. And if I get excited over your bags, I am sure many women think like me too. Oh yes, I met a friend who came up from KL and she was interested to get your bags too. Maybe I’ll get one for her later.

  4. so true – good things should be shared – thanks!
    that’s why check out jigna’s boheme shoes too. they do come from pakistan. some weird sizes tho’. best if you’re in bangsar – meet up with her. confession, i’ve not seen her myself but she seems like a really really nice person. c ya soon!


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