Are You Ready for Heritage Heboh?

Nic and I toddled along for last Saturday’s sneak preview of Heritage Heboh at ABN-Amro. I didn’t know what to expect. After all, I had said yes to Vern because I was curious about this Heritage Heboh event. And Vern was very excited, from the way she wrote about it. (Actually dear Vern is part of this major event, which is one of the many cultural events and performances held in conjunction with the Malaysian Citrawarna celebrations).
We had a late lunch at Sri Ananda Bahwan before we strolled over to the ABN-Amro Building. (As an aside, Sri Ananda Bahwan is one of the best Indian restaurants in Little India where you can have an affordable banana leaf rice meal. This place is a fave hangout for my friends and I – we know the Nepali waiters, we know the manager and we know that we can get a scrumptious chicken varuval here anytime.)
The Heritage Heboh sneak preview was an appetiser for this Saturday’s Heritage Heboh event in Khoo Kongsi and Armenian Street. It gave parents and the curious public (like me) a chance to see what Janet Pillai and her team had drummed into the ‘anak-anak kota’ of Penang. By the way, Janet is one of the winners of the DIGI Amazing Malaysian for 2006. Read more about her and her arts education project here.
It was theatre, it was music, it was dance – everything orchestrated to highlight and remind us about our little charming island and its illustrious heritage. Watching the performances brought a lump to my throat because I now know that there is much hope for my traffic-choked island; the children and youth made me so proud to be a Penangite!
I shan’t give away much of what awaits you this Saturday (15 July 2006) but it’s exciting and it’s truly Malaysian at its best.
The performances will happen on the streets of Penang, culminating with a golden oldies concert by Yudi at Khoo Kongsi. The performances begin at 8.30pm.
Don’t miss:
The Puppetry Performance @ Pitt Street
The Dance Performance @ Cannon Street
The Music Performance @ Khoo Kongsi
And it’s free (should be good news for kiasu-kiamsiap Penangites ha!)
For details, call Lim Chung Wei @ 012- 2075140 or Chen Yoke Pin @ 012- 3619113.

The highly interesting shadow play which tells the story of the Yap Kongsi.

Musicians in front of the Standard and Chartered Bank.

This is how Penang became a melting pot of cultures… the attentive Kapitan Cina listens on.

Making music with traditional instruments.

Dancing on Lebuh Union … Lok-lok lambada or roti jala ronggeng?

Dance with theatre…let’s move our bodies!

9 thoughts on “Are You Ready for Heritage Heboh?”

  1. Heboh right?! I’m sooooo gonna miss all these things… my last day in Penang today *sob*… Nice post you’ve done here…must tell Janet…might cut you a commision.. 😛 hehehhehe….

  2. Hi Vern,
    Hey all of you deserve the publicity and kudos you get. Anyway, I will take that stroll down to the coffee-roaster and the signboard-maker one of these days before these craftsmen disappear from inner city Georgetown. Hope to see you this Sat….

  3. i found your blog after searching about heritage heboh on yahoo! its great that you went there and it was fun! i love it because i used to participate in these activities; previous one with Vern. hope you would come and join in the fun again!

  4. Hey there Krista,
    Ignatius here…I am so gald you enjoyed the heritage heboh project. Actually this was one of the five DiGi Amazing Malaysians programme we are doing and this particular one as my baby! Didn’t realise you were at the preview! IT was 4 months of a lot of hard work from the kids, the facis, and us at ayesha harben! But it was really worth it…working with janet is really something else! did you come for the full event? Enjoyed it…it’s like one of the biggest feathers in my cap! Take care! And tell wei vern I said hi!

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