Thanks for all your kind thoughts, warm wishes and good cheer.
I have been so abundant that I got a sugee cake on the dot at midnight last night, and me in my nightie, sans contacts so it was a bit hard making out who was holding the cake with a single candle on it.
THANKS VERN & MRS HOR! You both are the best neighbours ever!
I’ve been getting calls and lots of lovely messages and if there’s one thing I want to say: thank you.
My cousin called me yesterday to ask what I wanted but I really couldn’t think of anything.
In the end, I said, well, maybe a book or a CD. Well, Vern got me a Stacey Kent CD!
Anyway, it’s fantastic just knowing I have so many caring pals all across the world.
I’m going to go out and enjoy myself today!
happy belated birthday!
Thanks BG. I had a great birthday with so many kind wishes and love.