Meet Mr Cooking Engineer

It’s great when friends appear in the newspapers (positive news of course!).
This one is an interview which The Star did with Eddie, who is a friend of mine and Nic’s. He is a cooking engineer which means he is an engineer but he also cooks. He’s also based in the USA.
He was featured in Monday’s Malaysians Abroad section of The Star and I almost guffawed when I saw the photo.
That is so Eddie! He tries to look ferocious but really, he’s a sweet guy. (And single, so ahem, if any ladies are interested in moving to the US and having a man cook for you, Eddie’s the guy!)
Actually Eddie’s on my blogroll and I met him yonks ago at this Mardi Gras party he and his siblings had at his home in Kuching.
But go read the spiffy interview and then go visit Eddie’s Cooking Engineer blog.

4 thoughts on “Meet Mr Cooking Engineer”

  1. Hi cleffairy: Haha, Eddie’s a pro. He can trade recipes too…. I overhead him teaching someone how to prepare tiramisu!
    Hi Jian: Yes, it’s a terribly small world. And if you live in Kuching, you’ll find that world smaller than ever becoz everyone seems to know everyone in little old Kuching town.


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