Mentioned in The Malay Mail, Thanks to Robert

Anyone who reads this blog knows that Robert Raymer used to be my Creative Writing teacher when I was an undergrad in USM about 10 years ago.
Fate made us meet again some 3 years ago when we were both speakers at an event that KDU Penang was organizing then. We met up, exchanged news and thought that was it. He was moving to Sarawak anyway as he had taken up a new teaching position at UNIMAS.
Yet, as always, as Paul gleefully reminds me, there are no coincidences in life. We meet for a reason. And that reason may not be clear to us in the beginning but soon makes sense.
In the end, Robert became our client because as a writer, one needs to get the word out there. What better way to show it than through a website that collects all the awards and stories/books in one place for editors and book publishers to find him? It’s a one-stop website for all you ever need to know about Robert Raymer, the author, the teacher, the self-confessed fan of The Secret.
But it went a step further with a blog. I knew instinctively that a blog was the best thing for Robert because he writes and writes and has so many ideas. He needed to share them online.
And so he has. For the past 2 years, he has been blogging in between writing his novels, signing books at MPH, promoting his newest book, Lovers & Strangers Revisited and juggling teaching at UNIMAS. And in addition to raising a young family – he has 2 young boys!
Anyway, go read the interview in the Malay Mail where Robert gets to talk about blogging, what he has gotten out of it and yippee, even I get a lovely mention and blog link! (Thanks Robert!)
What a way to start one’s Thursday huh!

4 thoughts on “Mentioned in The Malay Mail, Thanks to Robert”

  1. Hi cleffairy: Yes, it’s little surprises like this that makes life enjoyable! But it’s good for Robert to promote his new book and of course, sales. 😉

  2. Hi Grace: Thanks for the beautiful compliment for a Monday morning! You know how some people are good at certain things and horrible at others? I have always been interested in words and stringing them up and making stories with them. I guess I got a headstart coz I started scribbling stories when I was 9 as a result of too many Enid Blyton books! When kids wanted Barbies, I begged my godmother for a typewriter at 11! So you see, I grew up surrounded by words and a word machine! 😉 But I am horrible at other stuff haha. Don’t write like me, write like you Grace. 🙂 Each of us has a style that’s unique, a voice that’s special!


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