A Hurricane of A Trip

Finally, I’m back. I’ve been missing for a while – more than a week – due to a couple of things. Well, one thing is that here’s a big shoutout to my best pal and courageous friend, Janarthani who is now a councillor with the Kuala Langat district in Selangor.
I am so proud of you Jana! This woman has been my best pal since I was 10. I’m still amazed how long our friendship has endured. Jana by herself is a powerhouse – she’s a lecturer, she is doing her Masters in Theatre (this gal does great on the stage), she is an activist fighting for the local community of Sungai Sedu (in Kuala Langat) and now she’s a councillor.
I caught up with her when I was back in Selangor last week. To everyone who’s in KL and whom I did not manage to meet up with, do forgive me. It was a sudden trip and one which left me quite breathless.
Sudden because I was nominated for the Malaysian Women’s Weekly Great Women of Our Time Awards. Sudden because I had to fly in for a photo shoot (by the veritable photographer extraordinaire, Jen Siow) and interview for print and a video taping session last Thursday at The Westin KL.
I said, nomination la. I will need to attend the gala dinner in August where the winners will be announced.
If you want to see how I look like, get the August issue of the magazine. Haha, I don’t think I look like me but then again, that’s what it is if you put your face and hair in the hands of the stylist and makeup artist!
No complaints whatsoever because I truly enjoyed the session. So that’s how it felt to be a model, all glammed up. That’s how it felt to be a superstar. I suppose it’s far more exciting for me because this is so different from what I do in my everyday business.
This made me feel all humbled inside too. Imagine that a friend actually thought I deserved to win the award.
The big plus of this trip was meeting up with friends I hadn’t seen and making it a whirlwind catching up session. I loved that. I loved meeting them and finding out that they’re doing great with their lives too.
Vern asked me about the photos – I promised I would put some up… if only for you to gawp and say,”Hey, that doesn’t look like her!”
Watch this space…. the photos will be up.

8 thoughts on “A Hurricane of A Trip”

  1. oh, btw, gene and i going to kuching 21-23 july, following a group of colleagues of mine, don’t think we’re going for the rainforest music festival, but it would be so nice if we had the chance to go. will need some of your advice of what to makan there, and where or how not to be charged ‘overpriced’ food.

  2. Will there be any online voting for those nominated? If so, I will be voting for an angel of a friend, a gem among the womenfolk. You rightfully so deserved the nomination for all the various work you have done. Cheryl and my sister were all glammed up last weekend for the final round of the Estee Lauder Model Search. Let’s see if she will be picked by the judges for the actual competition. Me?…nah…. Been there, done that.

  3. Hi Alison,
    Thanks! I will be putting up photos after this. Oh yes, for Kuching, I will be there starting on 29 July. So I will ‘miss’ you…. by a few days. Kuching people are relatively OK. As for food, hmm, you can read this: http://mayakirana.com/blog/2007/02/snacks-and-food-of-kuching/
    You must try kolo mee, Sarawak laksa, umai and go to the Sarawak Cultural Village. Have a romantic stroll down the Kuching waterfront. Visit the Bazaar that’s right in front of the waterfront… lots of knick knacks and souvenirs. Visit the pottery factories…grab some sarawak vases, lamps and pots (don’t worry, these people are experts are packing your potttery stuff so you can safely check them in at the airport and they would not break despite the rough and tumble at the baggage area…serious! We’ve brought home so many lamps and such in this way).

  4. Hi Kate:
    Voting is by SMS…..unfortunately. Thanks for your encouragement and support and friendship my dear. I feel so grateful for so many good friends of mine who told me they’d vote for me once the Aug issue is out! Yes, let’s hope to see Cheryl in the Model Search finalists! 😉 You would be such a proud mommy!


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