The past one week or so has been utterly terrible. The slow Internet speed did nothing to help make post-Christmas lives easier. And on top of that, too much feasting does odd things to people. Either that or end of the year often makes me very reflective and not much real work gets done (anyway, half the clients and people I know are on long leave and etc.)
While surfing is hard enough, my Vaio decided to take a break too. It went nuts four days ago – refusing to connect to the Internet, not recognising certain programmes and certainly not very useful generally. All I could do was some spring cleaning – deleting and junking all old files from my laptop. I did suffer from some Internet withdrawal symptoms but had to be brave and do what I could, instead of lament over what I could not.
But of course, Nic is a lifesaver (perhaps that’s why he is a Mensan – he solves intricate problems like these which a woman like me cannot understand head or tail of!). The good news is, my Vaio is now ‘cured’ but it also helped me speed up my spring cleaning. Most of the junk on my laptop is gone due to the re-formatting. Is it good? Is it bad? Oh well, if I can start the year anew, so can my trusty machine.
If you don’t know yet, Margaret my cat is back! Yes. She made her appearance about 6 days after disappearing rudely. Now she gets even more royal treatment. Bought her a collar with a bell which she won’t wear (she thinks it’s a yoke and cowers whenever we put it around her neck). That was our Xmas gift to her.
Anyway, I’ve a few posts which I will put up soon, now that the Internet and my blog is accessible. Just shows how much technology I depend on! Anyway, just a quick one – I have to thank Dean for this true honour. I made Dean’s List LOL. If you sneak on over to read his list, you know why I am pleased as punch being mentioned.
OK, I will be putting up more posts soon – especially one on how to cook Sarawak laksa for non-Sarawakians. (Heck, I’m not from Sarawak but I have been married to one long enough to know what these people actually like!)
Hi there. Good to see you back. 🙂 Any chance of me tasting your culinary skills? *wink wink*
And I’d be even more pleased to see others like yourself create their own list and spread word about such an act of kindness. Looking forward to the Krista List 🙂
*Phew* was waiting with bated breathe to see if Margaret came back. Cats and collars don’t go too well together. Sasha hates the flea collar we put on her as well.Just make sure you don’t put it on too tight, we make sure we can put a finger between her neck and the collar.
Its been a whiles since I check-in on your blog. Sorry to hear about the Vaio problem….ahem! Feeling a little guilty and recalling very hard when I used your Vaio to check my email…..sooooooo sorry, if it had anything to do with me, ya?
Congrats if you made it to the Dean list.
When I read this blog I could not help but to add a comment on the last para…..the laksa was GREAT!!! Having visit the Cat City and spent sometime there searching for a good laksa (after much pestering from a colleague who said the laksa there was good), the Sim’s version was excellent (TOO BAD, VERN!!! YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT YOUR TURN!).
Krista – I suppose what is lacking in this write up is your photos of food!!!! kekekekek….
Cheers and happy new year to all.
Hi Vern: Ah ha, yes, I must remember to pass some Sarawak laksa to you the next round I make some. As you will soon find out, it’s a terribly tedious recipe – half the tediousness comes from the laksa stock!
Hi Dean: Great to see you here! Yes, I think I shall do that… once all the Internet lines are clear and quick. Thanks again for making me one of the 21 people on your esteemed list.
UnkaLeong, yes, Margaret’s back! You were right…. ah cat owners have sixth sense too huh. By the way, how does Maggi mee asam laksa taste with Ayam brand curry chicken? I am still baffled over your secret recipe! Must also ask you about your Angkor wat trip…. itchy feet plan to get there sometime this year.
Kopi O Kaki: Thanks dear for the foodie support. I will try to get you the snacks from Kuching when I get there in Feb. Plus I hope to polish the sarawak laksa recipe even more – I thought the last round was a bit too spicy! Yeah, I am going to do that.. put up the photos of the laksa sarawak…. watch the space!