I am excited! But are you surprised?
Don’t be. I had been wanting to use something even better than my last blog software and I have finally found it.
Since I entered blogworld in 2003, I have been blogging intensively, sometimes maddeningly into the wee hours.
Since then, I have changed the look and feel of my blog a couple of times. π
Not because of sheer ficklemindedness. Of course not. I tend to be rather loyal.
But life is constantly moving and improving. Things change. Heck, even I change. I just found a couple of white hairs on my head. (Yikes! Bring out the mirror and tweezers someone. I have to get them out. )
And I am 31-years-old this year. (Yes, my birthday’s in March.)
I suppose radical moments in every 30-something’s lives must be announced to the world. Mine just happens to be a blog. Or a change of blog outlook.
I absolutely love the crispness of WordPress.
Much better than Blogger. Definitely much better.
If you want one like this, go over to WordPress and get one. And both free and priceless at the same time, according to the people over there.
So, tell me if you like this new look! Please.
π It’s a nice new look~ I like it.
All the blue: I like. Simple, uncluttered.
And birthday wishes from a fellow Piscean. We’re blur like sotong but everyone would be if they felt as much as we do. But I’d rather be a fish immersed than a non-fish, numb to what’s wonderful & mystical in life. Cheers!
Ikinda like it. good change fom the last. π
hi all
fishfish, TQ. Glad you stopped by!
erna, yes, you are right. i’d rather be a fish any day!
eyeris, danke, my friend.
thanks y’all for being Maya’s friends!
Hey! is this cool or is this cool…your site went for a plastic surgery! It’s fab! Now it has Nicole Kidman’s skin, Michael Jackson’s nose, Winona Ryder’s eyes…….
Eh! And when is or was it your birthday? We’ve been epals so long and I don’t know your birthday and I don’t think you know mine, either way. Let’s tukar-tukar b’day.
If yours is over, too bad! But mine’s coming up! *grin grin*
thank you marsha. yes, time for a little nip and tuck, doncha think? hehe. see that blue teddy bear? made him out of denim material myself. actually went for a ‘teddy bear making’ class about 2 years ago. yeah, pray tell, when is your birthday?
hi daphne
thanks! π
I like the new look. Think I’ll have to pick up some design skills from you. π
Hi Strizzt
Thanks for your kind words!
Your blog looks cool too!