Stolen Notebook SOS!

This is an SOS for a friend, Kristine who SMSed me saying that she had her Mac stolen yesterday morning (around 9 am) at Taman Inderawasih, Seberang Perai. Her car window was smashed and her Mac, portable hard disk and iPhone charger stolen.
If you have any news of anyone trying to sell some cheap Mac online or offline, please call Kristine at 012 476 7076 immediately.
Her 15″ Mac book Pro has this serial number: W874592JX91.
A smart friend whom I sms-ed suggested that Kristine check online at eBay Malaysia to see if anyone tries to ‘unload’ a cheap Mac book Pro. Good idea! Or my take is: check out the local PC shops in Prai and Georgetown to see if anyone is selling a cheap, secondhand Mac. I am sure the thief will try to sell it off, considering that it is a Mac!
I’ve known Kristine for a while now and I think what bugs her is that most of her work stuff is in that Mac book. ;-( That must be devastating. I know how much of stuff I cart around in my portable hard disk too and well, practically all my work stuff and life stuff is in that little thing. It hurts to lose your data, no matter what data it is.
That’s why it’s rather dangerous to cart a laptop around. Especially if you think you can hide the laptop in the boot and no one will know. I heard that there are special devices used by intelligent thieves to track if you have a PC in your car. If it does, the device beeps and the thieves get down to work!
That’s the problem with our world these days. While accessibility means we have laptops to carry around to do our work wherever and whenever the urge strikes us, it also means being extra careful.
Then again, unless you have a very light laptop – the latest diet version, the MacBook Air (which weighs in at 1.36 kg) or the extra cute EEE PC by Asus (weighing only at 900 grammes), most people will think it’s safe to leave their laptops in the car while they zip into a cafe for a drink or go buy some groceries.
It’s better to have a sore shoulder than to lose your laptop, believe me.
So do help spread the word – this is a genuine case of a Mac gone missing.
If you have any news of anyone trying to sell some cheap Mac online or offline, please call Kristine at 012 476 7076 immediately.

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