Slim Little Thing

Friends who know me know that Queensbay is my favourite place to hang out because it’s so near my home (about 10 minutes away) and because Borders is there.
I could probably go there everyday if I didn’t have work to do. (Funny thing though: I’ve yet to bump into D though he says he goes there regularly too!)
I was there some weeks ago.
I had KFC. OK, that’s bad. I always feel guilty if I partake in any greasy, deep-fried food especially if I have not been exercising regularly.
After that we were walking about in Jusco but our main reason was to go to Switch.
Nic practically dragged me there. He wanted to see the new iPod Touch.
I wasn’t that keen – an iPod’s an iPod right?
We are considering whether to get a BlackBerry or an iPod Touch. Both looked equally delicious.
But damn. The moment we reached the Apple store, I knew we were both hooked on the iPod Touch. It is too slim to be a gadget! It is barely there.
It is also mighty cool. So cool in fact that I was thinking, when I was a kid, I hankered for a Walkman which played cassette tapes. This THING plays almost anything and everything and I can surf the Net with my fingers!
It was fun to glide my fingers over the smooth glass screen. It was amazing how this thing could serve up videos from YouTube, play music from iTunes, lets me check email and god knows what else it does.
The only problem with email is that it doesn’t support Gmail so Gmail users will be disappointed. But on the bright side, regular webmail and Hotmail and Yahoo is OK. (Gmail cannot be accessed because it uses Java or so I was told.) And now that Hotmail and Yahoo are generously giving out more space (Hotmail is now 5GB), there should be no problem.
Typing on the screen was a tad problematic even though I don’t have fat fingers! I kept tapping the wrong letter. Then the staff showed us how it’s done. Apparently once you get used to it it’s easy.
I guess that’s why Apple is cool on demos.
Anyway, as a practical person, I never buy things on impulse, no matter how cool they look (or maybe I’m just the XY instead of the XX chromosome).
Two versions are for the taking – 8 GB or 16 GB. The former is about RM1388 while the latter is RM1788. Space maniacs will always go for the 16 GB version – these days everyone just wants to hog and keep space in their phone and gadgets just for the ‘what if I need more space later for my stuff?’ syndrome.
Now that I’ve had time to forget a bit about it (and be thrown into the everyday work and such), the iPod Touch is a hazy memory.
Which do you have? Blackberry or iPod? Which would you buy if moolah was of no importance?
I’d really like to hear your thoughts!

2 thoughts on “Slim Little Thing”

  1. Actually I’ve not been to Queensbay for a while. I’ve been going to their bitter & earlier rivals for the last 2 weeks because I’ve been trying out Celebrity Fitness. Do you think it’s worth joining a gym?
    Electronic stuff? My wife is mad on the stuff although she gets excited about it for about 2 months before it gets ‘forgotten.’ I’ve got the oldest phone you’ve ever seen and she has every gadget conceivable! Why does one person need an Ipod, an MP3 player and a Sony Eriksson phone that plays music? My wife even whispered the dreaded words to me – …Nokia N70…
    Anyway I’ve been looking for a digital camera (a sale on at Gurney at the moment) to try to pep up my blog updates as our old one died. Or should I get my dad to get one when he’s in Hong Kong? Decisions, decisions…
    So how’s your writing going now that the Beth course has faded into distant memory?

  2. Hi d: Ha, you’re going to a gym? Do you even need to? I thought you played and lived football. Or too much time on your hands now that you’re with BC? I’m like your wife in a way, I get excited over something at first glance but then forget about it two days later when something else comes along. Which is good because now that I think of it – I really don’t need that slim little thing much. I don’t even use my Sony Ericsson’s music feature much either. Only listen to the radio on my phone when I am on the long ferry commute to Langkawi!
    As for digital camera, try a Canon. Mine’s been so useful plus it’s so small and slim I can pack it into my handbag most times. I bought it for RM1K last year so you can get nicer and more featured-packed Canons now for less than that I guess.
    Oh, writing. Does journalling count? ;-( Been having stories in my head but have not attempted much. Sad huh. Do you want to read some of the old stories I wrote? *brightens up a bit*


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