Have to Have Girlfriends

Decided to take a break from clients’ work to focus on blogging a bit. It always makes me light-hearted when I start tapping on the keyboard.
I had lunch with a good pal today – despite busy days, we must take time out for friends ya? And yes, I must eat too right? All that brainwork needs some fuel!
We decided to try Bakerzin at Queensbay Mall this afternoon as both of us had yet to try their food. At first I suggested Chili’s at G Hotel (yes, people, that place is open) but both of us had already ‘been there, done that’ so no point in trying something we’ve eaten before. Plus you do need a sizeable group to makan in Chili’s – the portions are huge. American sizes, you know.
Queensbay Mall was as good as empty on a Thursday afternoon. And cold too. Vern and I plonked ourselves down and the waiter came along with the set lunch menu. We flipped the regular menu and got zombified because there’s so many choices in that book. We looked at each other and decided, OK let’s try something less mentally taxing!
We got the set lunches ordered (even that took some hemming and hawing since we are indecisive women) and sat down to talk and catch up on each other’s news. We keep track of each others’ lives via blogs, IM and emails. How’s that for modern living!
It wasn’t the food. Not today folks, so there’s no photos or anything of the food though the food was presented rather well, in miniscule portions (but probably not big enough portion for my cat, Margaret). I think they forgot our salads, but then again, we were so engrossed in our chatting we almost forgot that the waiter did not bring Vern’s dessert.
If you want my verdict on Bakerzin, it’s pleasant fine dining. The food’s not bad; their food presentation is totally chic. And Vern says if you hanker for their desserts, it’s 50% off when it’s nearly closing time. We must try their ultra-sexy desserts the next time we’re there.
Anyway, it’s never always about the food for me – it’s the company. If I have great company at lunch/dinner, it always makes up for bad tasting or mediocre tasting food.
Our topic veered to friends today – and though it’s in perfect confidentiality, I can safely say that in life, we should always have the courage to say no and mean it. And there are different categories of friends too. But I always am thankful for my best girlfriends… they make life so interesting!
Sure, sure, I have a husband but husbands are in a different league. Some women think they’re bloody betraying their husbands if they have girl pals whom they confide in. Bollocks. Men have their guy pals too, and sometimes they tell guy pals stuff they would hide from their women.
It’s great to have girl pals, no matter how old you are. It’s very satisfying to lunch with a close pal and just enjoy each other’s company. It’s been rare for me to do that, given that half the time I am working on something or another. But the leisurely enjoyment is more precious and important when you rarely have time for it.
Have you called a friend out for lunch lately? Try it. It’s more rejuvenating than a face lift…. heck, it lifts your spirits!

5 thoughts on “Have to Have Girlfriends”

  1. Heya, thanks for making time today despite your bz bz schedule. I had a great time and thank you so very much for being a part of my life! Am really blessed to have great pals like you. 🙂

  2. What happens if you’re a guy and your best friend is woman – and it’s not your wife… then I think you would have difficulty justifying lunch with her!! Ha ha!
    Chilis – portion sizes are no problem. I’m English! I had a bacon burger and one of their recommended ultimate chocolate dessert things. YEAH! Now I feel hungry again…
    Any durian posts coming up? It is the season after all…

  3. Hi Vern: Yes, Transformers is on the must watch list. Met a friend who raved about it too.
    Hi d: You have ESP or what? That was what I just did on Fri. Go for a durian makan. Hmm, tough if your best pal is a gal. Women/wives don’t take kindly to their men’s best gal pal.
    Alison: Yes, gals do wanna have fun!


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