Win This Book!

This is a quick post – just got news that you can win yourself this hot collection of short stories “Lovers & Strangers Revisited” written by my ex-USM lecturer and creative writing teacher, Robert Raymer by going to
Robert is a client of mine (haha, these days must add disclaimer! I don’t blog for money but I must reveal what’s the relationship when I endorse or sing some praises) and before he became a client of ours, he was my creative writing lecturer when I was an undergrad in USM about a decade ago.

I was one of his earliest students and his classes have always been memorable – and I often looked forward to Creative Writing, an optional paper I took for extra credit points. Robert is now teaching at Unimas Sarawak and I am sure many USM undergrads will miss this American who doesn’t look his age (pssst…. he must be doing something right, he hardly looks his age!)
He was interviewed by The Borneo Post and it seems good things are happening for Robert too in Kuching. Talks, readings, interviews. He’ll be back in Penang in July to sign copies of his books and present at “LitCon 2007”, an international literacy conference.
What’s more interesting is that one of the stories in this book (“Neighbours”) has made it to become one of the literary texts for next year’s SPM. Yes, lots of teachers and Form Fivers will be analysing his short story (which by the way, you can download from his website, “Neighbours” is a humorous one about Malaysians and our proclivity for wanting to know everything!
I met up with him again in February, when Nic and I were back in Kuching for Chinese New Year. He graciously cooked for us despite his busy teaching schedule and I introduced him to the world of blogging. I must say he’s taken to it enthusiastically – he now has 2 blogs! One on his books and the other on his walks with his two-year-old son, Jason.
Robert is the perfect candidate for blogging – he’s a writer and with all those ideas swimming in his head, blogs are the best way to practise and polish one’s craft. Check out his blog at

But now, now you must go and win his book… the rules and regulations are over at Georgette’s blog.
Hurry though… the closing date is 3 June, 11.59pm.

8 thoughts on “Win This Book!”

  1. Like the title and it sounds like a good book. How come not available in West M??? Let me know if it is….haha, 200 words is a lot of words! Further, i’ve never won anything in my life before. Gaaahhhh!!!!
    Will pass this on…….

  2. You can find the book quite easily! I’ve seen for sale in a few place in Penang. Anyway I had a good chat with him after he did his talk at KDU last year and he was a really nice guy to talk to. But he did say the hardest thing about writing wasn’t actually the writing – it was the selling! It was strange to see someone who was obviously very good at writing ‘working’ as a reluctant salesman. Glad to know that he’s doing well too. I wish I went to some of his creative writing classes – I enjoyed his (too short) talk last time round.

  3. Thanks for the info, d! I like to read and write too but must admit, that i don’t think i’m cut out for the latter part.
    – Something to ponder –
    Selling seems to be what professionals find difficult to do….lawyers starting their own practice, private financial consultants, artists (writers, designers and etc), i find them having to do a lot of PR work and even if they like the limelight, they have to admit lots of time, the kinda limelight that is required may not be their cuppa. It’s long suffering, i guess. But somehow, those who hang on and stick to their dreams seem to make it. Maybe the secret is just to dream on, and work smart.

  4. Hi D: Thanks for your input. Robert is a really easygoing person. When I visited him in his spanking new office in Unimas, he had plenty of cards from ex-students from USM wishing him well! He also gets to know his students personally and that’s rare esp when one reaches tertiary level (at least from my observation lah) where studies tend to be impersonal and you go to class to get your credits so you can graduate. Anyway, he’s got a few plans to sell more of his scripts, books and short stories so do watch out for good things happening for Robert.
    Hi Ai Lee: Yes, D is right. You can find Robert’s books in bookstores, but usually you have to ask or find it. Without promotion, it’s tough to sell books esp if in Malaysia where other things are more attractive (LOL) like movies and music. Yes, Robert is persistent and that’s why he’s a writer. All of us are bloggers 😉


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